Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy March 32nd!

I'm blogging at my internship because they have nothing for me right now. There's a fancy new coffee machine, and I set it on Mochaccino to enjoy a French vanilla coffee-meets-hot chocolate experience. Not an April Fool's joke; I'm drinking coffee at work (because it's free, so I can be adventurous).

I want to point out something that is an April Fool's joke and is awesome. Gmail really makes my day: they always try these ridiculous announcements of new services that don't make sense (next year: time travel!). Tomorrow, they'll report how many inept e-mailers got suckered in. I worry a little with today's prank; they've developed an "Autopilot" service that creates reply messages much better than you ever could. You're feeling it, right? Autopilot can, for instance, help you keep up relationships, like with your therapist:
"I'm working on it and I understand that lying is wrong. I've just returned from Bali, where I won the lottery. Also, I ate an entire shark while it was still alive. I'm doing very well."
But here's the problem. They show a fake spam message—"Dear Sir: I am Prince Joe Eboh..."—and then offer an actual answer to it! They are teaching us, even as a joke, that we should reply to ersatz opportunities in Nigeria. Autopilot says:
"Your Majesty,
It is an honor to receive your attentions. I will do everything in my power to aid you and accept the $25 million. Please find my bank account numbers, as well as my SSN and mother's maiden name."
Yes, you say, obviously a joke—but think of all the people who didn't get last year's joke. G-mail rules at April Fool's, but methinks they are putting dangerous ideas into people's heads, especially on a day of maximum crazy viruses on the World Wide Web. (Just had an epiphany: that's where "www" comes from. I don't know if I'd thought about that before.) And—re: yesterday's post—these people have already been duped into 3-D movie mania. As Marlon Brando said, "The horror, the horror."


Belkis said...

I found it a very funny joke, although sometimes I would find it useful. Maybe it could reply to my grandfather-in-law's constant stream of anti-democrat forwards.

Jill said...

haha, i really enjoyed your 'www' revelation

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