Saturday, August 22, 2009

The wheels on the bus go round and round

A scene from yesterday's bus ride downtown:
I enter with a Ukrop's bag in my hand and take an empty seat. I'm puzzled because five people are standing. Then I learn.

MAN (seeing bag): Did you go to the supermarket?
ME (unused to people talking to me on the bus): Sorry?
MAN: The supermarket?
ME: Oh, yes. I did. (Note: Bag contains picnic blankets. Not important.)
MAN: Did you talk to Veronica?
ME: No. I didn't.

(Long pause.)

MAN: Did you go to Shaw's?
ME: Yes. I did.
MAN: Yeah, Shaw's. That's where Veronica works.

(Long pause. MAN leans over to HISPANIC MAN beside him.)

MAN: Do you like hombres or chicas?
MAN: You like chicas?
HISPANIC MAN: Chicas. Sure...
MAN: Chicas. Man, they are great. (to a new passenger:) Hey. Are you Asian?
It was like an outtake from Crash. The Oscar winner, not the David Cronenberg freakshow of erotic auto accidents.


Connie said...

Haha. This reminds me of our encounter with the gentleman over near Emerson when we were innocently trying to eat our cannoli...

Belkis said...

I had a stranger tell me about his experiences with having a stroke, I think I win. But really, those are the people that would make me come back again and ride the bus. That, and the laziness.

Suzanne said...

I miss Ukrops :(

J.A.G. said...

Hah, the cannoli guy! He's my new favorite... so excited about VA Tech, and he offered to give us money!

Small Town Transplant said...

WOW! That totally beats my random conversation with a total stranger about what was wrong with her scooter and how to get it fixed. I'm thinkin' we need to start a competition--weirdest T experience gets a donut or a Dharma-and-Greg-esque Duck or something...

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