My predictions for the 2008 RAZZIES:
Disaster Movie and Meet the Spartans
The Happening
The Hottie and the Nottie
In The Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale
The Love Guru
Alright, politics enter a bit. See, five of these movies aspired to nothing. M. Night Shymalan enticed about seven viewers with his first R-rated movie! The good news is, the children were spared... who wanted to sneak into this yuck-fest? M. Night, this isn't really for The Happening, it's compensation for your insistence on shoving your poor acting and twist endings into every film you made after Signs. And to think, I defended you for the precarious beauty of Unbreakable.
Larry the Cable Guy (Witless Protection)
Eddie Murphy (Meet Dave)
Mike Myers (The Love Guru)
Al Pacino (88 Minutes and Righteous Kill)
Mark Wahlberg (The Happening and Max Payne)
Wahlberg was the fifth slot; he doesn't deserve a nom. Al Pacino, you only get one statue for both films, but understand that we have about 15 more on the way, for all the times in the past 10 years you've hammed it up unbearably. If not for Angels in America, I'd think you equated acting with grandstanding.
Jessica Alba (The Eye and The Love Guru)
The Cast of The Women
Cameron Diaz (What Happens in Vegas)
Paris Hilton (The Hottie and the Nottie)
Kate Hudson (Fools' Gold)
A living, breathing (well, maybe not) manual for surefire Razzie success.
Uwe Boll (Uwe Boll's Postal)
Pierce Brosnan (Mamma Mia!)
Ben Kingsley (too many...)
Burt Reynolds (ditto...)
Verne Troyer (Uwe Boll's Postal and The Love Guru)
Man, people's hatin' on The Love Guru. Brosnan deserves it for disrespecting the human voice, and ears... but the music director should share for giving him extra songs that weren't in the musical.
Carmen Electra (Disaster Movie and Meet the Spartans)
Paris Hilton (Repo: The Genetic Opera)
Kim Kardashian (Disaster Movie)
Jenny McCarthy (Witless Protection)
Leelee Sobieski (88 Minutes and In The Name of the King)
Look! She pulled a Kate Winslet!
The Day The Earth Blowed Up Real Good
Disaster Movie and Meet The Spartans
Indiana 4
Speed Racer
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Holocaust? Shoo-in for an Oscar. Casting Keanu Reeves? Shoo-in for a Razzie.
Who is this Uwe Boll fellow? He's this winner for the Worst Career Achievement award of 2008. If I investigate, my votes may have to change.
Haha, yeah, the odds favor Al Pacino. But personally, I think Mike Myers is gonna make a clean sweep. Are you watching the SAG awards? Or do you have more of a life than me?
Nope...you should send any small leopard kittens to me! I know it's rather hypocritical of me, since I don't like the breeding of them just for pets, but I would love a large cat as a pet if I had the space, facilities, and time. This is why I need to be a zoo vet so I can take care of them anyway without perpetuating the problem!
On the topic of your post...you're probably going to lose all respect for me, but was Pierce Brosnan really that bad? I mean, sure his singing wasn't great, but I really thought he was just fine for the part. I mean, it's Mamma Mia, I don't feel like it needs top notch actors and singers to suceed (although Meryl Streep was wonderful). Anyway, just my two cents.
Re: Pierce. I didn't see it, but I didn't see the other films either, so I think my rash judgment was entirely fair.
And part of the point of my choices is that some actors, from whom we expect quality, should be held to higher standards than those who starred in The Love Guru (which, truth be told, could have been the most unwatchable movie of the year). Plus, isn't it still honoring somebody, in a way, to give them a Razzie? I don't think Mike Myers or Eddie Murphy (except for Dreamgirls, where he was amazing!) deserve any more recognition than they have.
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