Saturday, November 8, 2008

It Was A Very Good Week

Top Ten Things That President-Elect Obama Has Done For Me:

10. Turned the Boston Common into a terrific rainbow of color Wednesday afternoon. Even the red trees looked as proud as vermilion peacocks.
9. Boosted the economy through trendy consumerism: as a responsible voting citizen, I got me a free cup o' Starbucks joe.
8. Brought the battleground back to Virginia, just like the good ol' days (PS. My mom voted for him).
7. Caused Massachusetts to rejoice that an ounce of reefer has been decriminalized.
6. Dismayed Massachusetts that the Maui wowie is still illegal.
5. Sent Annie Oakley back to Seward's Folly.
4. Opened an unfortunate can of worms: why do people still say "an historic," as if that were correct or logical?
3. Granted me a free cup of chicken tortilla soup at Panera tonight. So much cooler than Bush's "get thee to a shopping mall" handouts.
2. Conferred an internship upon me for the spring. I think he's really Santa Claus.
1. Convinced me that I deserve to reward myself. He's buying a puppy; I splurged on a double-chocolate donut.


Belkis said...

I'm glad that Obama has already started to improve your life. He has accomplished a lot in less than a week.

Carrie Fab said...

Three things:

Number 4, sweet as it is, had nothing to do with Obama.

With Number 7, I don't even know. H is a fickle wench.

And lastly, my verification word is prose. :D

MrsBintheRIC said...

Well then, maybe he is santa claus!

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