Monday, July 13, 2009

In the Tweet, By and By

HarryLimethe3rd. That's my Twitter screen name. (Hold on--is that the name for it, or is there some cute moniker like TweetTag?) Either way, I have joined the Twitter universe.

But I haven't posted, and don't plan to. I am there to stalk; and with class permission. So I tried to keep myself pseudo-quasi-anonymous, as much as can be on the internet (style now accepts lowercase for internet. Am I okay with that?).

Real question: how should I condense my thoughts to 140 characters? The last sentence was already halfway there. Follow-up question: do I even want to? (Simple answer: no. Longer answer: I prefer to spend my free interactive online time blogging, checking e-mail, buying things from Amazon.)

Besides, there's Twitter spam! I mean, who knew? Day one, three girls started following me, and I knew none of them. It's not like when Thomas Jefferson is your Facebook compatriot. Apparently people latch onto newbies like leeches to, a la Facebook, compile more followers. But why? So that complete strangers will read your Tweets?

So I blocked them. And then someone I haven't seen since high school found me on my natal day. Glad it's not spam, but how did they track me down? Oh, Web 2.0, you are one crafty minx.

Oh, snap. All my paragraphs are over the limit. How to adapt to this strange new world? I'll just have to keep stalking Barack O., Ellen D., and Coldplay. (That's right, we're tight Tweeters... Twitterers?...)

And my point is...? Don't condemn me. At least I've learned how long 140 is. If I go all Ashton K., you'll read it here first.

1 comment:

Kalyn said...

Britney Spears asked to follow me on Twitter. I think I've made three posts? I'm sure she is riveted.

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